I coach parents to help their kids to be better students, to be more efficient in their studying, to have more fun with their education, and to do all this while being true to themselves. Why? Because I did not know how to study effectively when I was a student, I didn’t have much fun with it, and I spent years and years of frustration learning how to change these things around. Eventually, I did but I learned these things painfully slowly because I was figuring it out myself. Schools are not good at teaching these skills. In fact, that is why I decided to go to graduate school to become a school psychologist, precisely because I wanted to help students like me. 

Parents are the most powerful influences in their kids' lives. I want to empower parents to be the best coach and advocate their child could ever have.

Hi, I’m Morgan

I have spent over 20 years helping students (and their parents) with the frustrations and obstacles of school and learning. In my roles as a school psychologist, learning specialist, educational therapist, and now coach, I have worked with hundreds of students who struggle with learning disabilities, ADHD, executive skills deficits, lack of motivation, and general unhappiness with their educational experiences. Through my personal and professional experiences, I have valuable insights and strategies to share. Plus I know first hand how rewarding education can be when you have the right knowledge and tools.